"TIL you can click on widgets in WidgetMaker 1.22").Īll NSFW links must be tagged (including comments). No submissions related to the usage, existence or features of specific software/websites (e.g. "TIL the definition of a word." Word definitions/translations/origins are not appropriate here.instead, or be more specific (and avoid the word "about"). " and other broad posts don't belong on TIL. Starting your title with a why/what/who/where/how modifier should be unnecessary.

Videos are fine so long as they come from reputable sources (e.g. Images alone do not count as valid references. Please link directly to a reliable source that supports every claim in your post title. Submit interesting and specific facts that you just found out (not broad information you looked up, TodayILearned is not /r/wikipedia). You learn something new every day what did you learn today?